
lundi 16 juillet 2012

MISCELLANOUS : Oil , Soap and Ice
Everybody  likes clean clothes But sometimes efficient  good -quality detergents are not always available  neither are they always affordable , hence some tricks 've been successfully tried out 
- To remove stiff stains from the clothes. In the case of a stain due to cooking oil just spread some drops of oil ( fuel) on the stain Wait ten minutes before doing the laundry The stain fades off as u wash the material with soap and the colour of the material won't change
-When u mistakenly press a chewed chewing -gum on a cloth removing it might seem impossible But the solution is easy : just place an ice cube on the reverse side of the stain the chewing gum willl get unstusck.
 Scan this saying : ''Ask and you will be given "_ Jesus Christ
Does this saying ring a bell :"Lie always takes the lift "_popular saying
MISCELLANOUS   Do u mind if u were asked to do some brainstorming  over this saying :''making two throws with a stone '' _ a popular saying
 How will you react if u were told this saying :'' There is more happiness in giving than in receiving" _ Jesus Christ
Attending a meeting is a proof of the interest we have in that gathering But sometimes tiredness,sicknesses or other sources of ill-comfort hold us from following thoroughly the programm.What is discussed here is only tiredness Many people have successfully tried out the following solution :If u fall asleep in a meefting don't be ashamed of. Just take in a good breath by deeply inhaling air into your lungs Then massage gently your eyes with a clean  cloth . If a bottle of water is handy u can drink  of  it, if not don't bother about it  
 MISCELLANOUS : Does this saying makes any sense to u ;'' Today '' is better than ''Tomorrow'' ?
 What is your feedback about this saying : '' never ask : what has life done to me ? but instead wat have I done with what life has done to me ?'' _ A secondary  school teacher
  Scan this popular saying :'' you sleep the way you fixed your bed'' .